The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

j. ill. JtnaJiailM in our TIIK DAILY DELTA TRAVELERS' GUIDK, and I.I4HW STOKSS. 31 Folton it' Pluutloa tat. 'nd ally papar.

1.1 noninin W. H(IKTO 1 proper aomma, WPL saoal orrs nmmwn vniTirm nr rmTteiur. Uu Adams Express continues (o favor tis lift late Western papers. ffeliave anthority for statln(f that there is jttlie slifllitnat foundation for the rumor that Black Republican flag was planted on Ship liknd. fff.ll HIE MORSfVG JOURS.

U.S SAY. fbe lice tails into the b1 polioy of dwelling the obstacles which beset Liucoln in the 1 nf this war tit* financial trnnl.loa ftin refusal of troops to re-enlist for the and the Soro-ease in the number of journals I Nortn opposed to the war, Ibe Boe Ruards its observations upon these lv the fullnwintf rAiriftrltfl NEW ORLEANS, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 18(51. NO. 180. is n.

b. Lin Wade Hampton's legion of South Carolinians JfaEniliuj' ENT SKA80M. imbc-eta will lew -hrrrairboat the Brmltg; Rogtri, bbm mmfL'fnw, wlthont at'chlnir mnnh Importanee to there la, mT iiMt annclnd that Lincoln will never m.rfl A.tJ tk. .1 II, Oabli num. at 6 P.

St. auric. ixton'a, Monti. ormnn'a, Barfai eplandld and rht or pMNr IvertlllQf Aitaot 6 p. 1: KKT Koi RhrL (Wu AloxawiN, iHixtlnn tjf MH.Pt (J bova.

For freW1; lyrHflltiAj'? at 6 p. 7 Bmi tii Wild, nt'a, HlirvpJr Urand Kcorsj, und Bwlft-rntut (lilt. tUHHllf, I It ni oiioe proposed to orerwhelm the Boo'h libit a of hmtlHty to a caneelem and object-Zwu hue arleen imonr onr enemies, which blda Ifljtber powt'r and fnflnenoe in proportion to the ajr.itade of the evil which It entail npon them. the Sonth will not aba's a -Inle of 0r for the ioron aid peraeTefio maintenance of $wit, leaving to tnoae who. without provooatloe, ytwaailed her rlht aid invaded her territory, to pne whatever oonrae my teem to them ernedlent.

ji it calculated to stimulate and increase our 00 and pergeverence in opposing the en-0j, to enoonrai(e a too easy faith in theee Hforle of the discouragements and difficulties. Vthe enemy We frankly confess our ina- gty to credit the evidences whioh some of 0 cotemporanes are so fond of arraving, as a growing discontent at the Xorth with liiwar. They are altogether unsatisfactory, it to their means, they are quite equal if not uperior to our own, and the sooner we know jlthe bettor for onr cause. We must succeed konr own valor, resolution and united vigor, mi not by the weakness or discord of the wjemy. We must assume that the North is sited, determined and powerful nay, we must consider that their resources are superior to nv own and then we must beat them beat tbem by the justice of our cause, the earnest- Ks, the valor and the heroic resolves of our people.

-The Picayune compares Lincoln's perform-ace with his promise, quoting his deolaration Wore his inauguration, that he would not tail his fellow-citizsns who were dissatisfied with his Government. The Picayune also exposes the inconceivable todicity and falsehood of certain New York pipers, in representing that a Cnion party fxitts in the South More pitiable Ignorance, or more wratclied hypoe.rt-ly than it here dt.plaved wi aurely nrvor ex hlblted. Whichever it m-y he, the reauu will be the nine, lo the commentary event will fnrnlah. Al well ('clock r. i UTlltl U.

M4j nine. Rnbia Ko 'tr Landlu, limy, St-ho new aaal Iha Ntchz7l aranwj, armidoiut itrtgr '1 r.a II I I Stn-I at xtur T. rtit.Tti, New Jney, WftlerDi, 'el. Cnlot'k. 'clock.

Fort elt Jll 'OAST. T. BATOU IfiJ f'ftht one hope to re'ioite the fr-gronta of a ahivered mirrtir, ana rppiorr il l-ic pnwer ui Kivii'B; iincii a perfect reflection, ee m-ght ill the rftculiiee of men re. fctore the now frreveriti.aevered American Union. And fiich frienda of the South, among the editorial fraternity of the North, aa the editora nf the New, end inch foes aa thoe the Poat, will alike profit by au earlv arrival at the conviction of this tmth.

0OAB' The Bulletin graphically describee the recep-A A. uray, jon Union savers have ha 1 in the South, B'oieek. 'Uvwbere they erpected so many to rally around all atrMl, utn Ml H'HITHRHI mri, ROAR TWD rWTff trrUs l.rirB rarnw tM nrl sj0jl I 'rprttsr. 7 m. 1 r.l.J ri -IS, nrlnpsi) ri4 fm" F.T( flf (h4 tirhm will rwrwTs-vV sif hn ,11.

V- p-W-'itr- for I urn flro. Dill tie ri-IUI r-t', a 1 frnl I BTil 4niur. t. Wit i.t W'Mf (w-rt'trtl Hapstrlr-! Puntcha a KAiLuoatiaU "ij mm Sbf flaaw boy Tl-ihat. as the OS! -a, cnatsr IMasa.

-JWW avesarvaa or cues. r-tn tae Ott-i. i rmai -he t.i wkpvb a. TJOB 4, 8 WarMti aa Train. SJ ij Vl ITMk 11 tto kr ttiriilT 'sain tTtttt I tat tL ttlf MMr SjUya.

.10 P. tl -T8" "Ji. rutlf ht-v T-vr- mm. RfTmiA mm aA.M Ot! twBtHiUTt-, this KtiitiTtu WJ 111 In Hen ot thn bom. or.

Mmmmmmyf ft 'vm rraiti will tawva tlifc It m. II r.m. 7 Tht 'ts-rw mi irrt'XT" mt m4 of ttt 1WA mwmm 01 1 hour, ttnm 8 F. m. nntll hwv Omul iirtv1 Sr the rTKr n7 Vi--jlrai-1 irnw.tlj ro irnv irv.

7... Otv nttie in Lhipwi, at nii.ri Uiiktrtet, imnmm JlTEW ORLEANS AND air LOUIBll.LJsi;. SEW ORI.RAK3 AND SASnVILLR llfsllruaii Unas. KKW OU Rlw JfRT GOMPIaETKQl Time, toO llama Lm thuit AnyOtliav TUtha KIW ORLKAHR, JAtTffftOM AMR OHlC.T Miatl.HHIPPI I.KNTIIAIa, and MEUlMlId AMU OHIO Frirohat-aTtokata 1 For Tlckata and far nafftw apply at lid Oaiap iiraai, and at Hia Iti Ik 11 11 AaUroatL 1, WCi.t. ntaf Bnirh-aaT and Uona-rai tijii I tin rtiiai P.

WIIFKfiKR, (lrnral Ttrtkat A cant OW). W. HKAjllsKV, llaiiarrU lutnlxsm Kgrr mm1 Carry Int tk U. Mai! 'fTflf rT1 Adaraa'a ipraas, ffta BilfW.fl MkMPIJIi AMD A RMCftTOW, IAHT T(NMbUk Alwf. T1ROIKIA RAllOAim Tba MOWt ahanga af anhadalaa vattdar- II tha aevVkaal faaawalVdML, VOBTH AND IAI1.

KOMLAf AT OR A NO THU ILATI TKRR1TOHT-1M Mil, PHOBTH THAN ANT OTMim HUUTa narnantaal tTatBr, wl tha 1 AlaYan 1 ttr NMh.llla. ltvlHlla. ikl.t'-r. Ac At w- wtih Nh7.MaaiiiM'hattiwwKa IWlfiad Kiioitw hf aa wa' two mhn O'hai Hum to Lltaaa polnta. 1 hia la luidimlaM) vho oi) Roniharn ar1 dtrafl tMrnra fyaaa Oitertjia to all putiita North, Baat, Wtsat, wMrt, Aa.

Ha nora to fur tl-kota ka "Hia tietp Uatl -tout." tlfllt 11 t-atop Hroat, Maw Otlaat a. HAS NUT RTTdHMs daoM 9m U. arnl Bonlhaca Aw TLLINO18 CENTRAL KAILROAI.l mntry Two liutly Trnim laava W'lrnlna; a'ld a-tvlna, ra-r rival of iha train limn Naw Orlaana, mtklitf CW-aaV a tit all Unaa K-wiaiid waat Tiwato Saw a-S 11 VR a-d Tl OVM, Titiato hom*on-a IIAYrt -nd I'i MOURN. Pnr fiirouirh th'kata ami trformuSiu aiml? at tfcd oflt wt IV N. J.

and 'i. X. R. No. Ua Dab-p in.

tfanaril Paaapar A t' rV. RT1l. Oonard lapaih audai.l. t-sswjt u. y.

if Oanarat o'kam Atrar-t, Naw CAfrm FOJt SALE. rpn FOR BALK Several barrili CnU Trt J. ir at Holia JinaHit' Haiitucky laulaa foraala. to Ittl JO'NPIT 1IM I1HT iimlH firrMir Hur.nnia 1'nlnn ttrAsaa 10 nirri'CTa" AtnouT' IMIMARTVIttfl- Una wah-ijiny Pwlir an M' how any Hnlrrnrtn cii, A'. Harra ta' F'tt-nhura sVsaw mum! ihia lU'urna, Wtll ba uld lo fur ea-4.

a Ureii i4iU i'IU )t-saw VK NhUUULirH Ovof iittt hmtih a. Nfrroaa wara t.rmiuht In laal r'aht ftum tn farm, wilKia aubtT intlaa ol tha tit*, and ara tor aa'a. A larri tiamhar li bav hean on iha plaoa Irr th yiwr sti "Mr i'f thla Mdvantrtva of ar-ri'matloa aid baJt.od to isJauuUfaiXUta. off imltiuMSCHila porutaAtra, WAI-TKR flAidPMVI.u; Bavoti'in ptrart, iur roaataa. nittf lOll BA LK Tlu.

uuwerl ul and in A twrm JL propailor flAMHON, a annom.ti I il l.ia, now ttai.b- if. Mini all UitMt I ittuVsiiiiL'ltal Iliman fta Wy. t'tnii ot' ill KS fnH: ktwl 14 tr-at tn and hn a niiwar JuifiaP-iVa tr rnarttio luillar aitd amr-na mm! a ot tha vary uiatatuta, aTJ np in (ha vj 1 111 wui kiianlka rr funbai (wtlsiulaja, addraaa ft A HANW. KOUURr aorVtdWm hl- TUX A 8 BOTTOM Oli'BUG AH PLANT A TIHN PiH HAT.R 1 olTar my PiantatiTi fot-siala, omiKxa; 16otl sviraa ftn 'indr Una alalo of illlnt'-onI tha ranitvlnaW ia, Ucad. Il ia liK'oq, land, fitntlntf onq ir.Ha t' Han iii.wts.

rlfar, wlilnh iaor oerflisaa. I'a P'tfation 00 t4 aoayr W'Wti sjitsusta 1 toahtialih of aa t'lati iiiu.i, j'i-t i'ia -pit hia praJnoa tlh art from hia dior to Sa" (trlaawa aa ra i bnr sMit'i't, It la ifi'ly ihi-iia uilltia huluvr iha 'Itmaior. (-I't-U K'i' lad. wLJ 'Ii alio ft 11 i4 ttlL li.a mIim ksatl Jk.W Oi.sxu ttai.ri.a-lai tLa oity ol' hwu-tita. 1111.1 ir.

may 71 dAWfm Ooltitiihlsi, Hrrv.urln en nly. turn. JL. In tha tdcifilty of kr tide. If oio'iannaa two liiii iiaiiH ra oi vu lJf wrs Wotidltiud, Tlmraoro thirty hit-'da on tt ji'anf 'I hara a mkw cai-a.

Tli a-w lBiut-afj, ad a Jca tatoot ttUMltatloD, T'lOra la ante-tin tl.l With eA fcnuli.a ou tha prMiiiana, ai a ffra at if ei'Ua tmii. fi. will ba add at filvabd M.a, la kiead, i'afssa, s'o'k. fani ig piaual'a, of. I rkwa rart eaan, en, a lMa.ia or.

wmw or rtTv For itnl-aUiJuiBiaUot-. apu.y to A imfRl, opll If mi tlto laotilalriua Huvta katk. lOR HAI.K A Fiaiiu, ntttit Aamy i M' Tha a ifii punnair or aaymmrmtw land-ffl'-y tdr- anil i.dai cltlvtst'on, ai 4 mrly wwWJaaaiU. erl ton houaa Ut) by H- ft, wlda gallttry, out hoaarax Tula lrm la al Minted U.roa m.laa fiom Auilta, rri th waaa wWa tho Jn-'tmcn Hai'r-ail la a -cash 1 1 do, aa the pur lab ruad ran lAaj a It a biau-'b of tho N-tlalburty h'mi ui thrtjTti U. Il a KhatkHy'a p'a'-a, i wbh-b thera la a aaw-ittiil aJ' (rWa-4l fa a-'ao ad)t)liia iha ataau aaw U1 Qt Dt, I ur.

It I Uubjra ai L'lia, iwili ami num. aum-Oi. lldrd cmh ranuttidrv la ao tad laatrti. wtWm. put tmia.

lataraat. Apply at ma t-iTi'-e 01 A ULNCAN, 0a) DENTISTRY. A RTIFICIAL TEETH Tho bett, obapel B. and a-oM raplnta llantal KtahllalMam In MaW a9vTi-PM' Ilk, FlaUalMMU'g. im tlsi.iwl lUML, riiUiiMaii'B, in tisdw a if at ia jrrajri Hia fiKilltlaa for nauiimia'tflg AniBtial iatt aro otianrpswiaatlhy atty I'ras Ucal Dautiat Ut if Muuthar Wis Oa-Tying cumpvrtiiiot.

auo at di rliwa tibariiad by ilia arloiiuoA ir Itsnilistry. ah mi Id D' arm la asrl -rva. Paraotia la-iulftnif anpador Itsmlistry, thay ttau raiy upon tua aapsMianaa, akul aad tatasyruy wmoJi Oaa aniii3a oan nui nnxluca Hvnry Artllhli! Tootk la af anraaatdnf haartf whlah tm mm diai'tad frun tho vary prodotUMto of UAiora, Kradaally taaaat laaj at oairoruiliy tha foaluroa ao aaaatilli! to youib aud biaaij. aarranivxl Mitiiifaturr ror man-'attoit ana ariiouiaUoa, PAlNI.KIdi TOOTH kl I A'TOK, tor toudllf MAwifffr Taaih without puin, atiparsiadinit anyihlita; kafojra atlataad tt profaaaloB, aatoulabiuK all who wknaaa it. AH opoiaiiona In Uanilatry parftituittd with eara Vt4 ak'S.

a 4 Sr ehaapuaaa and utility ara oiifurpiuaaii by otbara. Ueibilt mm- pllmj TtMslh remodtjlssd and a nift Ut rfiarantaat at raodtrraia tr.i At tha (oiluwlt-ii ptlcaa, a vrltlau u'laianiao auoaiaijyliia" aark aat. If dswirttd, and If not I'oitnd aa lay: aaau tad laa uuMiimV I tLair luonay will ba roturuad. Pull aataou Miarllitg dMv baoa fl Full aaie fluaat fefdao yunta, buuiid 1 P11I I Mia wViiiAuiuM. Ruiii ar, txi aJ lo fuid.

tc PmIJ sjata IH oarat gold baaa, iitittotlrol. 4 Full kmw ioswal gold ha-a, 1 I Jk 2 ha sswaiparfsjot gaiua iht an bo k. TlTsaa isw.ulr.rg ftvaih eaitiaaMf Bjt4 fal alV U. ritfI.DINi nntal rb-rT If iH tJaiiai 7al. JjNAPF 0 A 1 una nil iubiiiuhi, ia casiIi ltb aala a aTveanH aa AJanaaaaa A I oiiaiattJjaa pmlarha! atiaalsTl u-ife.

laatae lajaaaa BbWtia Hi tne ait. -AiUAuUii taaltl, ttk eUilaa, ta t.aj ValaaaS ftaae. dkaa as salt It-a Maisa. A NOI'lvji. iU THE l'Ji 1 Uq.

IJ Uuwihi airassf, i a ita I a NkVT "Rl.KANd wniTHRlH nHNTtt OlttViiT with ij Btmr Moid 'I'tM f' of 1 (, a I tit* im of Tciih, a-d All uthar aHiaaa rslliulid ua f. at I La l''WiK tilirkt pn ft, Ii Tiiu li'ttrftU UfiaH t'ajt -a t.EK is iti uu tjf sK-ua' ad w. VOL. XVI. hVMORS, ETC.

The city vestordav wu fall nf minora u. graphed from varion qnarters. all of the T.8' character. The telogra phio column of the city papers will afford pretty good illustrations of the uncertain and contracditory character of the various rumors. In that column there are no loss than three versions of the affair at Eoonville In addition to the two others previously published, making five distinct and contradictory accounts of the same transaction.

From St. Louis, Washington and New York the reports concur in the main faot that Lyons had beaten Jackson at Boonvllle, while from Louisville and Memphis we have the highly sensational and exciting story of the capture of Lyon's whole party, and tho killing of a large nnmber of hie men. Our reaJers who have their faculties under proper control can judge as well as we can botweon these oonliicting telegrams. The news from Louisville snd Jfomphis is far too good to be true. We feel bound to express the apprehension that Jackson, with his hastily gathered forces, so imperfeotly armed and organized, are not einal to the defense of the position at Boonviile agains Lyon's strong corps of infantry and artillery well srnied and organized.

The best that could be done was for the Misaourians to resist, and, in case their position was not peculiarly favore ble, to retire farther into the country, in the direction of the southwest. In addition to these vague and contradictory telegrams from Missouri, there were many floating rumors in the city yesterday, of tho receipt by citizens of telegrams from Virginia, of great batt'os fought near Manassas. It is marvellous bow these stories originate, and how rapidly they circulate from one respectable citizen to anothor, receiving additions and ex oggeralions from each retailor, until the whole community Is arousod to a state of wild exultation, or 611ed with the most painful anxioty. A little cool investigation soon traces these stories to their source, and discovers their un-reliableness. Their effeots, however, are quite bad, and all good citizens ought carefully to avoid giving any currency or sanction to such looao, unauthentic, and improbable stories.

A httio jiiilgniont and reflection will protect the minds of our people from the an noyances and vexalians of this too easy faith in rumors and telegrams. Before yielding to exultation or despondency, let every citizen carefully investigate the source of all rumors, and weigh well the character of the testimony and the, probabilities. In this way they may save themselves from a great deal of disootc fort. As for what, is puMirihsd in the papers, tele graphically, the nnilnctors have no reepousf bilily whatever, except that of faithfully and accurately publishing what is sent them. Cflmin 3IKDI01NE8 FOIt THS SOUTH.

Naw Oiu.sakh, June IS, Ihtl, tdilsn VelUi obuerve in ths telegraphiO D-wi tht morning, that the ilrm-glats of Philadelphia have, hj agreement, decided bo. to send any more quinine to I.naliviHe at. any -e. Tho ohjeot of this il to pre, vent the drnggiuts the Roathern Confederacy from obtaining supplies Ly till ins cf intei coort still open with Kentucky, My object in addressing yoa is to notice a few facts relating to the me of racd'Clnes In general required by large bodies of men, and to urge npon the surgeon who make refill, It'oM for our army, the facilities for economising in thoir orders for medical upiilies. On plantation onnnlMr 200 negroes of all la regions where favor and ague prevail continuity, 10 ouu'oa of quinine last one year; 4 oz.

calomel, 4 lb-b'ae mass, 10 cas'or oil, ate all that Is generally rrqnired of those articles for tb same length of time Ouo bnndred dollars will purchaie all the drag! re- lar 3.19 people on ths il plantations in the South. This I know tram having supplied many Ths price of morpiitn ajaj ai: staple drugs has advanced more thin one hundred ir cent, in tlx weeks, and the expUmtun given Is, that the orders from the Confederate army are draining the mark.t I bave beard of some of ths quantities of eplnrn, morphine, gam Arabic, ordored, sad if they are not exaggerate the preacruptioa 1 that the principal occupation of iha Bonthera army is taking medicine, Alter ths Mexican war, the witter was placed In charge ot' all the drugs remaining, which were sent to this city. Of there was. five thousand ounces and those who were In the army can form some Idea how much was swapped away by hospital stewards for less than half it oust, as it was a notorious fact thut Cjnlaln could be bought In Mexico at II 60 per oi-ncs, when It was worth 11 oath In New Orleans. The requisitions of the U.

army for different bodies of men may, doabtlose, be found an the books of Hint of onr dtog8ts, iuoa as Morion Woodman Bement, and in faot many othera, which would serve as some guide for nuking rcqnislUona. My only object Is thus addressing yon, la to direot tbs attention of thos engaged in the medical depart- meat of onr army to the necessity of economizing la their orders for medical supplies. DISCIRACEFUL. Epacial Corr.iporidecie ef the Doha. iBtTTAMOooi, Jans 13, SOI Ooour wsy to Richmond ws stopped here for lap.

per. It 1 the only place on ins route wners ws nave bees charged anything. It was neoea.ary for onr men to cook their sapper, and ws were foroed to pay ten dollars for wood to do so, A oompany paasing hers a dyortwo since, pail tea eerts piece for washing Uieraaeive. I paid fifty oantsfor soup of oonee. Our ru alter cooking, (uthered the rematulDg wood and ju.umtd It la bouflre, with three time three groans lor ths hospitable people of Chattanooga, It with difliculty thut our iren were rnetraiued from acta of deatrnctlon tod yo.irs.

Tho above ia froia oincor of Major Wheat JJattalion, now en route for Virginia. The Federalist arosji the a r.muni lion ij the baud of tnercbari's in fit. Lo'tla, foarful that the BtAio Eights raen rnigiit get hold of it. Mr. Russell, of the London Tlme, returned MemphJo en the 16th, fro a tf.

cmp at JRaadalpb, it 6. P4CKCT 1 LfJ For rrdlcbt Utn Aim! at A p. KM PHIS AVI und th Bcndu iinr A I rtcrlvs 1 will do well tohiv-i Interview with hiai, as trass- to tne sea. or war, anlfotras, qolpments ire furnished free. t- 1 j-ai-ai, i.i;iiiKTT.- neuoiMl nergeant vliirlea Chapman, of theS'attor Ooirds, was aec'dentally eh at and killed by private Fhilllp Heety of the company, at their rendi zvoni on Bt, Chat street this Burning It appears that private Sweeny was cleantgg hta mnt- Ing wltk Sweeny and snother mas.

Sweeny, In ths set of rising from tbs seat where he wit sitting dropped his pistol from his belt. Its dropping npon ths floor exploded the eap end the ball passed through Sergeant Chapman' wrist and into hi left breaat, entering the heart. Hs died almost Instantly. Pri vate Sweeny went with Capt. Smith, of the Blatter Guards, to the Chief ef Police, who took charge cf bim until the Coroner Investigates the affair.

The 1, of Sergeant Chapmen la deplored, as wa a good officer and universally liked by ths men. Battxat at Pout Hrcxocs The great colnmhl ad east at I.eed's foundry, In this city, Is to be tested the direction of Major Smith, of the Ccnfderats army, at the end of the pier at Lake Pontchartraln tomorrow, Saturday, at o'clock, at when It will he fired two hundred timet. The enterprising hosts of the two hotels at th end of the Shell Rnad and of the Jtfferaon Railroad, the two Immortal Dans, will be prepared to aocnmmor'at largs nnmber of sltUens with all the good things of Ufa on this interesting 01 caatnn of ths exhibition of ti first largs gun made In New Orleans, Tns DrastciH Ths steamer J. A. Cotten brought down, this morning, a splendid oompany of soldiers from Woodvllle, celled ths Hurricane Bides.

They number 100 picked men, and ar commanded by Capt. 1. 1). Bumps. They were mastered Intg service Immediately.

Fox Cisr l.swi Tae si a companies comprising the Orleans Guard will go Into quarters at Camp Lewis on Monday next. This is ons of the Unset snd stoat reliable bodice of soldiers to be, tr et with In the Confederacy, or sny where els. Iscssminisw. At 121 Uwquet street, aboat 11 o'clock Isit night, sn attempt was male to born th boon owned and oeenpled by Mri. Rwett.

Ths fiames were auhdnrd before any material damage was done. DRUGS AND MEDICINES IIU)F. L. MILLElia HAIR 1NVIGORA. TOR.

an rffMit-v, Mfit suxt rmuinitfl comrwrini, FOR (JKAV MAlRIo lit orltliJ XU VlUMtfl tljf-t'ir, tlin frtim mniliif OK FltkNllKVtl HAl.HNh.KH ciiili it, hm thr'ii a. aaii-l ectana tjim strTtirtloim tjf tliiHcslp, r()H ILKA HTlKVlKil T1IR TIAtH, imUri to It tniuilM itvt ct bf SilUimy, suikluc eull td niikr a istif, Mu vm.t ag tortirl rHiii. TlitfrMlMt'shrilratid th inrrisMiB rtdrrriAtTitl for tMt rtHfps1 prflpiiriiduu, oonvliiqe tlit nruprijir thm aum trtHl odj BorhArj tfi mtiffjr diifsri.HiK public ItAsmporior iiitalillva ovir aUtl tulttt proprn'-lti at UrsMisnl 111 HH. Il altNUsMsi lit hotvl aUitJ Mfilp ff diuidrufl ariti otiixr fulAiicoiL. tfirintri, rs-i-Mn ttm i ni I it nd irhM il iIWuMiitiio, Ikj iirrt tht huh In Kimmminf vnn nii-mug jfiii uie Uni.) i.d vtiror 10 lh rne, ann iMuir no nmwtB to inm trt jVu Lttv ((come rstiislnc il lo yxlil irt-th iltiu ot LtJr.

1 hrt luinilifwln nf HmKm Rtitit)iTii In New York bfjia hHti llmir ImLr tm icttod by ll.m tie nf lltln luvlfuiMior, whtnitj (Iter prBiniral ttintt htttl fullnd. M. In hia poMMiarn lvttum Hi me ruiil U-ttUT itin to tb oti) frutr. imrat'ii gf the a nwiiwUMllly It will rtTWiimllj prevent tha hsilr from luruti ftuj until IDs puriot. of I Lit tun.

ill oaxafi atitira Ihtj l.ntr 1 mrpfttlj chHt-irtHl it flolor, iha nta of Um liiwytuiuto will iiJh em Utlil uire ittti II oiiKlii line. il a Uik flnMT ppat aiwa. Am prtiinfl for Itta tuital mni a Httlr KiwlorsM, bid Utuiiri; rx ummmnlsMi, tuivti'K irmt Ill it HnoriiN in lrwnln li.r, wUtuUs "i Irvtaiorrticf, aj ba Jmnftwl in mi ammT prj 1U placa, tiathei tibeM tar It hw Vt.m svb a frtN.Ui it ijtsia nils)- inni' ma 'su a.nm I P.ti'l P'lVS i K.MK rar to te tiad ski ftoopsv Ul-ist to wank 1 tm um nf i'l (ivvh rwrmovM mnj InipniiiiM that lu toturt-o-a, -It tl'ti'inttlp, tl' tvitn 111 of la teviii tha tte-atll ol ihn child tend ih tiiltita HppMiaiio) ol ita httlr. I'stonoN Noia mitiii witlfinl tl.n I.OUTR VII, I II tM-litg on otiiar vfrstppfir; aiisa, UAiU HWV ltX) ft A TO N. V-, blown In!e Ddpol, Hay artrt anl VgmM llrt rlBtpal Mat ohitnta and Onitftjlut! tl-roiitfltiul iha wurld.

dla mint lo pnraliftKaia hj Iha (luantHy, I lao das'tsji to proMt-1 to iha Airtfuloan p.iuic vrj ttm (w4 Ta. pruTwl I'mWntatiMina l.lUlfll) HaIH HV ttiil tvr ttt.ra vf ifiiciiUlic ntpm unit 1 rev or ftfin 'o iHtiitxnt-i, '1 ifoe 1 a- IHtlitXMt-l', trtiwu 11 Mi mii iy a Im-m at 11. -1 ot t. FttsOB, only Ml oeMtta. lcpil, Day atruat.

HKKRY (iOLUMANN'B ratTNix onuo ptorb, II and S3 BTHKKT and Imm to ltifnm wr fHanda anl ortl.llo itl a a few dart from now 1 wk) 01 ai bi uaw a.gia its wlii kiautl, mot 0-l uid Liim firm' a I'm li 1 WuitM )-. fTy Ifambma, rtia, will ratMnia and i'1'Ut, l)rutt UrL, Huulh. grvmA war lot? ot Hia and ft' lilaih. ailh th.isrM irondi 1 rvfl rt1r.ttl 1 vuu iia am j.u froio all pNra of th ai'l form as od CLivottniew. r.l I hail btvfoia, aiiu 'rii tiol La iMtlnr la In MM mluglt rt-ataa '1.

Mr, Mi'ViT IIOT HHaH LOST F()UNDlty A riTVVENTT-FIVH DOLLARS IlIiWARD- Hn awar, from of Hermit I. at-d Ottrup (fc airoevla. (t J.l ut Mar ihtdnrk ntt woman SI HI A Bl.e bsjtwtiia 2--iin'( ya.ra of aijo, -ttll wail tun a upa, at, ii nar mini iflwii ari non lyj uvh drtvs4a wsill. and lar Itl t.rmllv, llnd np mbi Ki lfi ataptfttatl tiiitMi litta anj whi'a t-lt) ilrai. fahs npion, audi btiK'lL jL.rud henl Ii tn-lhtt' bt f.J ulf a n't fit ha tp bimi bori.iat ad a ImLdlu of gl'ttlaW.

HKa may ttlto pi ut pea htt tir ir rim. t'HDlttina ff jtanrnatB and aMfcii mnnvtffA iryHriiiih luvti mi fielr rtwtsia, I fl.if tb aImv) lawrrd 14 paia who will ui taut mtw dallrar livtr to wm. nUit'M tf 11. iJOTTtm, 1J H0 niiu Bwajfj Jtina tnat a dvi Ajw wllai linniy, dks-J i lull, a puit'ornr "j-L rand rMt a (ita, ai on TT trum irj i lanrni rt, on tim 19 jtma mat a Kiinn until, immtni 1 r.iii tn, or ivaivoo, Hit mi Hi yciiTH, isottiir as ut 3 ram 0 in-inan trmla, apwhinir frftttrb and KiinlUb ann rd ill litl Ii n. nil i.tT m- Alrejtmin I.

ai HHft c. mi. if 11. 1. 1 I' rnt ni-i ii(i'tiln t.t' 11, 1 nilnml ura tint to ceivstuim uti ILuli ItunU tr 1'Ara, lltt m)t al'aiiiU- te all l't Mu bile.

1 will BHy tbn alove rawetnl to Any fjarton who will firrtsf. and drtliv.u him lit IIKL I KKKNAN, jutitjjil 1 1 lij.irwi iiisf, NOTICE On the J'Jil. of'Apnl we letter to BOHIIII I l.ll. HIIKtMI-IMICll A HAI.O wo iimilotl Vurk, cuit'ialiiliiK. aimititr o'hor two notew drawn Sy A E.

I.lbaiuian. datad Naw OrUaiia. Aoril lilth. atd and II uiontlii. ta Uwlr owu order, aili lor iij Ml Hnld ladar ttavar h.tfii'K 'Of Lad tadwii.fiiai.lou.

tiui aahllo ai QMiUuiHid atfalfiat rn'-totlaHnB tt outf K. J. II A It A fi, Tf and IB Tfhotinlfnla Mr4. HKWAHU-l-oator atorm, htftwaan IU and 'Hc A brll a Hookrthin Fnraa, oouUlnlnrf Kltljr Nlar nalifortda old P'oosw Tha above roward will da paid tor tha rooovary of tha aair.a, aa pi oportliai fur tha aioounl m-Wfd. Brufcara and oihara ar ua qiioatar-il to atop mux pa'aou offatiiafl ui Mouuf tut ftLa Aipily lUa Tl af FIVE HUNDRKr) DOLLARS Man frnta ibn u.kaitr.war, on lte rjih (rial, 11.700.

by Julia Livlck. -ayilwlaa nallva of Hut; Und Mid yaara uM. P-tlr t'ampailoi), llttht hhta aa, I'lfix ftMivtioa, walha arart, ahort, i)tl''k Mfp, wil atiara nhoialdari, Tti almva aard Will tlw oaid Kir hi Kitu't and rat'ovaiy vt ha monoy. at" DAVID tlRANT, Ilo'al. FOUND Two Biiwill Rikftt of Hqtmrtj Tiiubot to drift fa Laka rw'-jtutrtrain.

Tha ow nor la H'ifl'r'illll, IOUlvD A Carpet IJar. lahilitH itlo'hfi, and le In tho river, uoii -rl H. WAHl), Mftmphh Tlssij hava Umb luit ailt i'a 91 rH a. BOARDJNG. cumme*r UOARDINU- Ttie eioiroiuont of ttiieia ranttirlfitt (0 "loa im'o't at at land, 0(pori Ji vo oi'-n iparior ao at tl.a K'tftbiturir Ia flirCia ot sn mlinv 'liiiir ly tVm lt.a ch m.

this p-aa la benstif tlly tit'Utod, fit a rnl'aa aatt -tt Kuiimy, In IJlukori a t.ii M''l in link Pxrat. It 'H wiH ii fu( h-Ml't. W'thivaan af fn ch'-am attar. VVo )- dnhy mall.ta'td 1'iaaa hi' avB'y la i 'd 'i und h-trn KmIi ay ii ill tlma'. My "harM Will iei mufO BiO 1 pi ssa Ol luAvrni jlf i tvrt, 1 pe iMta At le.y kas ai-tlaatvia HJ 4I rfici ofi a II.

nmy la k-Uj lj-a. atiil S. BlMfN1. fitiJHKhJ OK KOUJi OKNTLKV1KN, UK A HMAtita WJ 1 1. "ti a.4 cV9d Hoard id ajWtt Doom li iha LyKirm 0 a pi.tuto ftmiif, uy a.ttiii.iBlnj Una Hap itai4a rvnini aaiuiiim tm aoii a-i'i tttajutruo.

ir uio BOARD i.l Bit i A A NO IJDOINO ThriHi or four IrOARHiNU A few Kbutloiunu Uauomi mtMitM with 4.1 tf a.uV taaial-a siv jua si IMuun. l.wl SaaS TELEGRAPHIO NEWS. TILBdRArniD TO TUB NKW OSLXANS Blt.Tl, THE WAR IN VIRGINIA. liiigagcmcnt at New CYcek. THE ENEMY RUNS Jfavy landers Hold Harper's Ferry, A FEDERAL COLONEL TAKEN PRISONER Gen.

Johnston at Winchester THE WINCHESTER VALLEY COMMANDED BY OUR TROOPS! Johnston Checkmates the Federalists. Sliccla! to tLa Helta. Jite Jl lp.l We learn from Gordonaville, by ttlegrtph to-day that a tight took place on the nth at o'clock, between two oompajiea of the 31 Tennessee Eeg'rtent, two companies of the Virginia Eeg'merjt of vol-aoteeri, onder Col. Viaghan, of the Tet.B?s;e T'jlca-teers, at New Creek Depot, -niles waat cf Cumberland, oa the Bdltlnnre and Ohio Fallrnd, with two hundred inj Drty of the entmy. When they came In stght of onr troops cntmy tired a few random shots, broke aid Etc'.

Orerif.c only waa woundrd on oar aids. The enemy's lo-a Is unknown, j. ittert: ait known to have been killed. Oar troops captured two gun tr-i a niatid cf colors. Cedwallader common led the trcpa tpp-vlhlLg Harper's Ferry.

He btjDid Esgr-tonn. Our troops, to the number of cr Cte t.iu.-eJ Uarylanders, hold Harper's Ferry. Gen. Johnston is at Winchester. Two prisoners of war, taken Wil.

ttLport, go to Blchmond to-day. One of them Liect. Ool. Bowman, of the 6th Pennsylvania Regl-nect 'a in charge oi Col. Thomrs, of the Maryland wto earriei cTUl reports of the engagement.

Winchester and the whole are corrsttied by our troops. Johnston's movements from Harper's erry t-wards Iturllniburg, to meet ti enemy, of bslrg a retreat, was an advance upon the ctemy, are a proachlng by way of Wllliamiport KJ Johnston 'a march was north. He eleo seat a detachment sgatnit another dlrcctiou, thu ohecknatins advanje of Federal troop in every direction 'nto the vUey. Xcw 'oi lf Goaatp. nw Yobx, June 2 The World ftyt vhitt It.

ge number of regiments, were accepted within few weeks on condition of t'te'r reidlneva to mov at a time, hav4 to rep themselves. Tin re It more room for new ones. Ho new regiments, ready within ten doyr, a Mire'y te refused. Beeretsrw Cameron telegraph overevr and Hogtn for more troopt. The World inys tb Africa brings 'hat sixty Prussian iSl'ers.

nhu Lars leave of absence, will tender their services to ths The VJinna FngnKemf-ne. It appcais tint at the Vlf-n-ia a mere reserve won a full battery there previously, bat getting rel ol waiting the main body moved Only one broken company man t' g-nt, with hut ven root Had the waited a few hiiirs longer, bat few Ohioans woUf have sees their homes. rtw Impression gains strength that the Cot feioritea are itrenHu.sntng their advancea LitberwurO, to be pre pared for atlrnua times. Oen. Ilram eganl A tlliig on Wl.Htngton, ivaihinotoh, June iv.n.

im nut driied that 0n, B-auregard is rapidly approaching Ths Confederate pickets advanced set em m.lea to day, and have inoreased their forces East aid Nunh cf ths Junction, with large budltis placed in to watch a foray upon and break op ktoDiweli line. Kverybody is on the move. Tb troops are all ready to march at moment a Tha Boatiia Vlrffllila ConvenSlon WsKstiNB, Juue Jl the Convention I occupied la sinning declaration. Frank Plernont Is sleeted Governor and Daniel Paisley Lieutenant Governor. A fall Governor's oouncll has also been elected.

The formal inauguration of the Governor las taken plate. rawpoii. Wasdimoton, Jan 21 It 1 expected hereafter that any passport Issued by a diplomatic agent accredited to this Government, or ny oonsular authority whatever, to proceed to a foreign count: or beyond the military lines, will be counterslgued by the Heretary of Hlate, signed Wm H. htewa-d. Jtlarylaiid l.efrslafarc.

FsinsHici, Juue 21 Ilesolatlous dcclariu; tlj debt now lie ng Incurred by the Government nucoDstita-tlonal, pronouncing Its acta ausouatltutlooal sad tyrannical, and favoring tb Immediate recognition oi the Boulhein Confederacy, piseed by ay .7, B3j 4. Sltafiatluii froiu Alevaitdrla Ai.lxi.sduu, June itl. The luhibitanta of this place are axafti commencing 1 1 ipart. Tiie comllentty expert 'it-. Beaare- gird to day.

I.orisviLU, lue 21. Uuaara. Ballory Crittei din are '-h elected to Cungieas. The niiun vote this city ha Jim off 2 t'JO sints oinntl. April.

Klcaiiiljoale lu(iii Vl- ka-turg. tun 31, Tun steamer Ferd. Ktiiutti ptated no in and the ttaiy C. Ueeo ut 10 Mr. 8.

Philips Day, tho speci-d sofreupoa- dent of the Loudon Herald and Cbroniole, af in RiobmonJ few dy sice. is now complete and in camp at Columbus. It consists of oneartillory oompany, three cavalry companies, and six of infaotry. It is said to be one ol the finest bodies of soMiers in the South. Ger.

Henningsen, of Nicaragu, tA Augusta, Clironiole is informed,) is a private in the ITillyer Rifles, a oompany which passed through Augusta on Monday last, for Virginia. There is not a bridge now on the Potomao from Georgetown to Cumberland, all having been destroyed by our forces. Lincoln has appointed Kit Carson to Lieutenant Colonelcy. K. Edmonson, has been appointed Clerk of the Confederate Court in Mississippi Tn S'Istt or rns Hspsm A f'o vm HV-nas.

Col. Lander tells an amusing incident, aa llln-trailre of tlii fptrit that govtrna Virginia retiela. As be wis ahead of the troona. rid'air novn the roid. rrcn- noiterlng, he cane to a honaa hy the ro-datde, where the woman of it waa np, when, .11.

see-like, ha began lotpi-ation her aboat the number of eteoesslonlsts In neigliliorhood. Rhe wanted to kno which side he belonged to. Re replied bv asking it she supposed be would he lo that neighborhood II he dll not wish to ln the Boceaetonists. fie learned from b-r that ths icbels had no artillery. Before he returned Irom his reconnoissnoe of the town of the women hsd dUcovered her mistake, and had a pistol in hand for bim.

which she dla'hatged at him, without any damage, howeter. He took oft hia bat and bowed to her, and begged her it to shoot at his men, aa they would kill her. Juat then the advance of his recon- noiterlng party came up, when he ordered a couple of inem 10 aeize tne womau-s son. a iaa 01 boodi seventeen, to prevent him informing the enemy of their snnroach. The boy waa Immediately seir-ed, when the mother came at them with si ax and the fnry of a savage, and they bad to let the nny go to netena themselves, when took to the wood, aid was soon lost to s'sht.

As the main body of troops pasaed by she fired kor n'stol a tbem ftlso, hit without eRVt, her door teoeiving In return om bilf a dozen rifle ball peiforations. te remind b-r thu shooting was danger businees. I.uuianati Eo juirtr. Tru Vote op thk Stats or VtwtHu-Tty te procinmat'on ot the Gwvetnor, appears that in the C'jnntiee om neara iron me vote sunas For ratiBoation 150 'or rejectioo 20 171 U.jIty 11V077 In 11 counties, sot oHi.ial, the reported Tot is gives as tut lows For ratiflcitlon 2.9-t For rejection 11,7112 The r.ff.Mal miljrlty la lOj.iTT 'he T.siirity, innt-iig the -lmniil il vote, is 'K 750. Boih abitenienu embrace the Irandulent and Ooutious votes eald to have htn in No.ihweat in aome ot these counties more votes are reported than there were, and or course tne te trie to rrana or ins- votes This is tbs largeat ppnlar voe ever oast in the Bute fir e-iy uroposltion.

When the Ferte-al Conatltuti in wae adoitteo it was lone in Convent, on. and by a smiill majorl'y of 10 It never was sanction' by a vote of the people, an the Iwpresaloa i.t the time waa that a majority 01 Ihtm were opposed to it, Whig, Mntirru I.kttsp.s A well kaown In In this city receired yestoruity aevei jl let-re wlilcn 'le-ir nnin s-takable m.irks of bard Komeof tbem siiueard to bire tieen cut witi a otn-rs are ao mun ue fa oed as to be almost illegible. Is usn instance, the mjet important fiiormation had bet-n toro otll The letters weie mi led In Engla and Fran ce, and were dated May h. Thv a'iu have been re elved ten daye sff 1. A ItttO'igh to the care (it Adams Etioress It anueai-a tut minions of coin cverhauled them.

Ho anakiliully, however was the fraud committed tur.t, fin letters turnisn oonTinc'Dif p-oof of the past otlee depredittlons of MncoWe en', Oihvr letters o-er due to the surni utai jre, JouUleea, rei.lued ir future revlalou. fouarioaton i tvt, F-Trsa. v. ane-'tmane of bsefa-d hor net or coral snake, -om i'eneaoola, l''a preserved In tpHte, bave been sent to this and my he seen at the drug store of Mrears. uinb li Leiiner.

One ot thei.1 la the reptile from the hitn 01 wbluh poor l'aikyn, of 1 tie llnch U0es, lost 'ils l.le. rht lihtbltanta of I I iridi say that the eoral snske iB generally dicile, and never bitea eai-ept when aigcred end. further, tb.t whou a person is bitten by one of thess, his death is certain. Augusta (U Bentluel. Tub Pet Ln 'Ye learn from gentle-nan who left Washing' on, that, ths Mileworih Zicavea, otherwise known aa the Pet'is, have been very severe nanoieu ainoe tneir otcnpation 01 t.very riig'lt one or more aro aiiieo.

none on picket duty, byth'j Virluiaue, and the bimber ill a cp to this' time Is said lo umotnt to seventy. II la supposed they hive been singled not liy the relatlyea and tr ends of na' ties whom they have outraged in Aleisnlril. Baltimore Houth. Clint ITov'E The war Is sowing the seeds of dissension In the cburoliea. Ths Key.

John I.elgh on has resigned place as one of the secretaries of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, snd baa returned to Konth Carolina, his native State. And the Rev. Mr. McNeill, one of the secre taries of the American Itl'ilo froty, ha also resigned ana gone Lome to worm uaronna. The Boston Pilot ventures the opinion thut the rranji wliloh have been commuted upon several regi maiita of teerl in the clothing and Vlcloalillg lie partmenta are quite aa infamous aa privateering on, tor reoei l.ig, and roobinj loyal mcronants un tne nigu Ifanrv.

of one of the H.aeliiippl compa nies, wua acoiueuii orowneu at roi sfcirae last Thursday week. His brother soldiers saiiscrlbsd large sum for the benefit or hia widow. Tbs Hichmond Fooiilrer states that the report, pub lished a few days sinus in relation to tiie nnmber of men killed on our aide at rninppi, waa incorrect. There was no one killed, and only three woauded. Williams, of Ravannih, ha been appointed a major In the Confederate army, and aaalgned to duty as Kn-ineer utucw 01 me arm operating in Virginia.

THE CITY. Ths PtasT Bcsi ui. Til. ion or Locsuki Vol-bki iks. This Battalloa was formed and organized under ths Irained.ete auspiwi of jo H.

C. Wheat, a veteran tried in many H'llda. His officers, with but very few ei ptlous, hare seen active service In oar own armies abroad and at borne. The Uitlallon, at present, couista of nearly tl'i) men, composed of tbs following named enmpanius, viz. i i igerllnis, Capt Al.ik Whlto; Walker Uuarda, ('apt.

R. Harris; Old Guards, Capt. I'. Sillier Delta Rangers, Co, t. II.

ij irdnei Catahoila 'jtterrlllas, Csfit. By a dispatch at re -etvel by fie father of Lieut Rlr.ii, at bed tj the II it all in, ws learn thut ere this tr.ej are at oau.s, or in that vi and will be tnungti.e first in the great battle to be touht, Ua dor sl.L a i.owruiider Maj. R. C. V'haat, the Bat Wlloa 11 render goo of tbemaeivew.

ordt of L'aut. Bann baa beea left ic 1 Large here V) take w'th bin a of man to th se.t of war. Ilia rsadevoa is at No. 2 Front l.ars'j, trt doot so ith of Canal street. Young ices, who went teseet Cfh'.

a) tU 'l est BW.msni, 5 p. if Th II ml! -o S.U bivb freight ftf t-, tno.rillia o-tlts l.iiUjiil (lie stars and stripes loatead nf rnxhing to the etandard of the inveera the further they penetrate the tn'erior, and the lor Ihey remain upon the sou or tae -ontn. tne more geoe ral, deep and intepte doeg the faatrrd of the fenoibern peapte K-wsrda them. TtjKtead ot meeting dienda, aa they were es.nred they w. old, the upntirg igtinat them it all hnt.

anlveraal.and the feelin? I pir. ticipted In by every c-ftba of ci'fcna. and every order iBd condition of people. It pervodea toe mi. id ot the Mdand the yonn It enrobe In tht breast or woman.

It a Invaded the aacrrd de.k. The Invudera are met the Hold thpy are Sred at aa thty pasa along the mda from the house torn. Every cinnin of hn.b Mtoesla a foe. The moto-ra nrre nn their eona, and a maMf-na load tHe weapons of their brothere ard fctere. Fven the cervatita bsvo caniit to aomo ex-aot the natrlotlci entiolam.

urn) wnahl rush by thou nooa and ton- of to the deiViise of thHr au'era, mlstressea and homes, it they we-e needed tad could be spared from their crop Disking Uhora. The Crescent onito agrees with the Now lork Times, in dopreciting the movemout of (he Cincinnati produce dealers iu pe itioning far raononina; trade with the TbeCres- tent says, truly enough, the embargo ia just bat the South wants. It is the vory necessity which all true friends of our seaboard de- tire to boo the South subjected, in order to Mmplote its independence. be bollipotorit New I urk Express msistii at tire war shall be prosecuted with gigau Ho and Titaaio force." Coffee, sugar and tea just be heavily taxed, and direct taxes must imposed, since the borrowing system it kind to be a failure, the patriotism of North- capitalists proving itself to be of the ef- sort. Bays the Express, poking fun, take it.

at somebody Indaci'j alone can end tbia war, before Great Britain Bt atnke. Indeed, we need something mare, and that tho oreation of a revolution In Jlogland, by our Abolition orators here, now. Ths Beeohera" and Phillipiea" end the strong minded women'1 all needed In Eogland on the stump, aa now they Wof no oaebere I The Atlanta (Ot.) Intelligencer has seen a wter of a lata date from Brussels, semi-omcial I-its character, from which the Inteliigenoer "Urns that the Bolgians have taken up with i rat energy the proposed enterprise for pla-ug a line of steamors between Antwerp and Bivannah. It is highly probable," adds the Intelligencer, "that Mr. King, the Georgia Commissionef may, from motives of state, pre the French to the llolgian flag, and ottor Af af boe.

resideno bliar Unm HM MATtM Ho, to oa Idacltjl Fonud at i prompt Slav Uiaaoa, oaa onu 0ra Mtuw sort Pre of Uaafkl alury BJ tUo Uoad mt Alow Us. treeUft) 1 A ertulni trl W4UIUMS, uai, OaoJa nrUarTlnBi -l, Uoitirouai lldOl IlUpWMtj SaaoMi, mm oetwaaa rw- "SmIO It jftf flai I taleviiMa 1 all) iotlre'f juntlg I o'cloclf tlPKLOCIAll und iwift ral KBKI. JaiMI Ling trvlKht Sfl a. for fii-J. ols rea, jwiuiai ock A.

fi and LOfaB II Bi t.r, will Ua9" okl.M fa i. inoat net France the Georgia guarantee." The Baltimore Sun, in reporting the battle tf Bethel, mentions that the estiutate of killed ltd wounded made at Fortress Monroe, on the la Federal side, was one thousaud at loast, nd that up to the time the boat left the fort far lijltiinoro, at 7 o'clock on the night of the iij the battle was fought, two buudrod and aighfy woundod had been brought to the hospital, and still there wore more left. Nearly two thousand of tho three mouth biio volunteers, says the Louisville Courior, Wt Camp Deimison, near Cincinnati, for thoir komeH. They refused to eulistfor three years. riot occurred in tho camp and oue riau was killed and several wounded.

Thu rioter were drank. drunk. ILstml We leant from the Tallahassee (Fla.) Newt, I Jut Joseph Law, of tho JI AOiilion BIuob, w.f "ibuieii allied by Mliug from the tars on the rensacul wu Kd Gaorgia lUilroa-l, as the frd'a rt.iJ."f JWu Ik City..

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.