Reacting to The Loud House - TV Tropes (2024)

Reacting to The Loud House - TV Tropes (1)

Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09Reacting to The Loud House - TV Tropes (2)) in which many characters from both shows are taken to Another Dimension to watch episodes of said shows. There is the occasional food break, of course, where the reactors recount what they learned.

The fanfic was originally posted on FanFiction.Net, but ended up being taken down after nearly 2000 reviews. It was subsequently reposted on DeviantArt before the author's account got deactivated (although Chapters 1-129 are still readable there.) The fanfic has been reposted on Wattpad, only to get deleted there, too. Now it's reposted on Archive of Our Own; you can read this fanfic (starting from Chapter 130) hereReacting to The Loud House - TV Tropes (3).

Tropes applying to the series:

  • Accidental Injury Guilt: The chapter covering "One Flu Over the Loud House" has Lori feeling incredibly guilty, to the point of sobbing, when she realises that she'd given Lynn the flu and started off a chain reaction. Leni gives her a pep talk and tells her that she shouldn't beat herself up as it was an accident.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: During the reaction chapter for "Back in Black", when the part where Lincoln advises Lucy that Rocky "just seems like a regular, normal kid" is shown, Lucy and Rocky make him nervous and stammer by deliberately feigning offense. Their subsequent laughter and admittance gets Lincoln to sigh in relief and thank them, and Ronnie Anne remarks that they pranked him.
  • Adaptational Explanation:
    • In regards to chronological order of episodes:
      • "The Green House" takes place before "Making the Case".
      • "Making the Grade" takes place before "The Green House".
      • "Attention Deficit" takes place before "Sleuth or Consequences".
      • "The Price of Admission" takes place before "Snow Bored".
    • The costumes in the trunk in "Cover Girls" were modified to be easy to put on and take off quickly which is how the siblings were able to change disguises so fast. It was also revealed that Lincoln did not actually soil the diaper when covering for Lily. He stepped on one of Luan's whoopee cushions for the effect.
    • When Clyde is helping Lincoln recreate his memories in "The Whole Picture", the costumes he wore of his sisters also came from the trunk used in "Cover Girls". It is further revealed that Mr. and Mrs. Loud also had pictures of Lincoln's memories that were deleted from the computer and gave him a backup copy.
    • Rita's maiden surname is revealed to be "Willard" in No Such Luck Part 1.
    • In No Such Luck Part 1, it's revealed that Lynn's reasoning for Lincoln being "bad luck" can be explained by this: she was playing the same method, strategy, and technique for every game up to that point, which for a while was a winning streak, but because she was using it so often, her opponents studied and trained to counteract it, which is why she lost, as explained by Leni. She used different "rituals" after realizing that the last ones probably wouldn't work after she lost in the previous game, thus the other team wasn't able to counteract it that time, which in turn is how she won.
    • After "No Such Luck" many fans wondered how later episodes went back to normal with him not viewed as a luck charm and having to wear a mascot costume. In this fanfic, Joe brings up one of Lincoln's memories on the screen where two weeks after the luck ordeal while at the beach, Luna found him passed out from a heat stroke. This is what finally convinces them to drop the luck perception. They rush him home where they hydrate him, only for Lincoln to get a fever from having a delayed reaction from having to wear that mascot suit for so long. He is then out sick from school for a couple of weeks to recover, and the sisters forego all of their events during that time to tend to Lincoln.
    • In "Yes Man", Lincoln's sisters felt guilty about preventing him from getting his SMOOCH tickets and pulled him aside in the backyard and tried to give him the money, only for Lincoln to refuse and let them keep it as he thought they earned it their way. Also revealed is how they got the concert for Lincoln set up. Lana helped the girls pick out the supplies from the hardware store for the stage, Luna did the lighting, and Leni and Lola worked on the the outfits. Mr. Grouse was not bothered by the noises as the Louds let him know and he wore the Noise-B-Gone earbuds. It is further elaborated on the reason why Lincoln did not notice any of this going on was that Rita and Lynn Sr. took him to Dairyland as a distraction and to cheer him up. And after that they went to the comic shop to get some new issues of Ace Savvy comics. Lincoln was so invested in them that he never noticed the stage in front of the house. And Rita was the one who slipped the V.I.B note under the door.
    • In "Room With A Feud", Lincoln tells Ronnie Anne that Lisa thankfully came up with a cure for his brain at the time, but he remained bald for a month. Luckily they still had plenty of leftover wigs that no one knew the difference.
    • In "Fool's Paradise", It's revealed that Luan caught up to Vanzilla by sneaking behind the trees after the family dropped her off and when they stopped at a gas station to refill, she snuck under the van and strapped herself to the underbody. The Louds also lost a ton of money from having to buy the land for the fake clown camp as well as rigging up the motel with the pranks but Lisa's grant money from New Guinea and Czechoslovakia helped shoulder the losses. And when Rita found out Lynn Sr. played a part Luan's prank, she made him sleep on the couch for a whole week.
    • For "Job Insecurity", it's explained that the rest of the Louds (besides Lori, Lincoln, and Luan as shown in that episode) attempted to impersonate Lynn Sr., but failed (Lynn for passing gas, Luna for her habit of making song references, Leni for being Leni, and the rest for obvious reasons). The error of the bones in Lucy's left arm not being shown as she's shocked by Luan's joy buzzer is explained in that she was wearing a lead-lined sleeve for Leni and forgot to take it off.
    • In "ARGGH! You For Real?", when Lincoln teams up with Hunter to fake the haunting in the cemetery house to restore Clyde's faith in the series, it is revealed that Clyde knew Lincoln and Hunter were faking it but played along with it because he was touched by the efforts Hunter went to make it up to him. The day after they told the truth to each other and accepted that ARGGH! is just for the props but they still enjoy the special effects that come out of said show.
    • "Suite and Sour" explains that the reason Rita didn't stop Ruth from bossing the Loud siblings around was because she didn't know due to being busy talking with her the whole time, and that the reason Luna and Lily got grounded alongside their siblings was because Luna took over a band and had them change the music not realising it was a wedding and Lily wandered off and caused chaos as her siblings tried to search for her. It also reveals that the Loud parents really were just Skinny Dipping and not anything worse, not that this wasn't gross enough to their kids when they found out.
  • Adaptational Karma: In canon, the Stankcos were Karma Houdinis for their treatment of Lincoln and Lynn Sr, even ultimately winning in the end by beating the Louds at Legends of the Hidden Temple and only being disappointed by the duo not getting embarrassed at the airport. After finishing the episode, Lincoln reveals that the Stankcos were discovered to have cheated at the temple and were disqualified, resulting in the Louds being named the winners.
  • Amicable Exes: Lincoln reveals that he's on good terms with Cristina and Paige.
  • Ascended Extra: Several of the reactors are characters that have only made a single appearance or otherwise play a very minor role in the show proper, most notably some of the love interests from "L is for Love".
  • Audience Surrogate: As to be expected, considering a lot of the characters from both shows now serve as audience members watching episodes of said shows.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Lincoln vehemently declares he won't let anyone mess with his younger sisters, especially Lucy and Lily due to their sensitiveness. He even shakes his fist at the Junior Morticians' Club when it looks like they're about to make fun of Lucy.
  • Bilingual Backfire: In The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos some people, particularly Carl and CJ tend to tease the relationship of Lincoln and Ronnie Anne in not only English, but Spanish as well, however unbeknownst to the majority of the audience Lincoln has revealed himself to able to speak in Spanish and easily roast Carl in the process.
  • Brain Bleach: The kids all have this reaction, namely they wish they hadn't seen it, Lincoln passes out, Lucy tries to exorcise it from her mind, and most of them throw up (besides feeling like their efforts in making their own spa were All for Nothing) when watching "Suite and Sour" and finding out the real reason they got kicked out of the suite: their parents went skinny-dipping.
  • Brick Joke: In "Job Insecurity", when on-screen Lori says she knows who to play Lynn Sr., Ronnie Anne jokingly suggests Brian Stepanek. Later, when Lynn Sr. finds out he's voiced by Stepanek, he tells Ronnie Anne that she was on to something.
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Despite "Silence of the Luans", Lily loses all respect for Luan's April Fools pranks in April Fools Rules, after it's made clear that they could've seriously injured Lincoln.
    • The Louds' actions in "No Such Luck" being unraveled causes a lot of respect for them to be lost.
  • The Cameo: Various people that appear in original scenes not in the screening dimension as an audience member or guest.
    • In No Such Luck Part 2:
      • Scoots, Katherine Mulligan, and Mayor Davis have small speaking appearances in Lincoln's memory.
      • Kat, Joy, Boy Jordan, Artie, Cristina, Paige, Andrew, Trent, Penelope, Chloe, Emma, and the Fox Quintuplets have non-speaking roles at Gus' Games in Grub as Lincoln spots them not paying attention to him, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, and Bobby, allowing him to tell the three about the 'luck incident'.
    • In A Trip Down Memory Lane
      • During Lincoln and Lori's day golfing, Tad, Whitney, Amy, Rex, Parvana, and Ruby are at the golf course.
      • During Leni and Lincoln's brother-sister fashion show, Whitney and Teri like their video.
      • During the birthday parties Luan and Lincoln perform at, Scoots, Bernie, and Seymour have small speaking roles while Darcy, Boy Jordan, and Cassy have non-speaking roles.
      • At the Burnt bean for the poetry slam, Bertrand has a small speaking role while Whitney, Rex, Ruby, Shannon, Mrs. Bernardo, Silas, Sasha, and Amir have silent cameos.
      • Cheryl briefly appears, announcing at Lola's pageant.
      • Chad is line at Space Simulation Lisa takes Lincoln to.
      • At Gus' Games and Grub, Paige, Nadia, Lainey, and Maddie have small speaking roles while watching Lincoln and Lynn have fun.
  • Character Development:
    • Watching many of the episodes results in Lori understanding she needs to stop putting her relationship with Bobby above looking out for her siblings, and Bobby that he needs to be more attentive of Lori's faults. Lynn Sr., Rita, Albert, Maria, Arturo, Hector, and Rosa happily approve of this sign of maturity.
    • Luan winds up learning to not pull off dangerous pranks or make inappropriate jokes.
  • Covers Always Lie: Some of the title cards suggests events that never happened in the episode. For example:
    • "Come Sale Away" made Rita think that Lincoln got his ear pierced, and made Rosa think Lincoln was being sold.
    • "Raw Deal" made everyone but the Louds think that Lincoln died in the episode.
    • "The Old and the Restless" made Ronnie Anne think that Lisa turned Lincoln into an old man.
    • "Not a Loud" made plenty of others think that the Louds had disowned Lincoln again.
  • Creator's Favorite: In-Universe. Joe (possibly the in-universe stand-in for JTom09 and creator of the watchers' dimension) mentions his favorite character in The Loud House being Lincoln Loud himself, with his favorite sister of the Loud family being Luna.
  • Dark Fic: Downplayed. The fanfiction is rated Teen, and occasional profanity and mentions of dark themes are employed. This is mitigated, however, as the focus is on the characters learning from their past mistakes.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    • Lincoln employs increasingly snarky responses to watching his sisters messing up and interfering with his life.
    • Mr. Grouse. When you've lived near a family as big and noisy as Lincoln's for years, you probably don't have the highest opinion of them.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Lincoln is a deconstruction of the Butt-Monkey, as watching episodes that involve him suffering misfortune makes him Took a Level in Cynic.
  • Deconstruction Fic: In a similar vein to What is a Person Worth?, the Reset Button and Negative Continuity is deconstructed. Indeed, thanks to it, the show can put Lincoln in embarrassing situations, but doesn't have to deal with the long-term consequences of it as all will be null and void in the next episode. This fanfiction makes it clear that every episode happened and that there are consequences for the events. On the bright side, however, this lets the reactors reflect on past incidents.
  • Disappointed in You: Upon finding out about their actions in "No Such Luck", Albert is enraged at his family barring Lincoln and Lily, resorting to confrontation and profanity as display. He also yells at Rita he and her mother raised her to be more mature and smarter than that. After things have slightly calmed down, he assures Lana he doesn't hate them (and even feels bad for them over them being shunned) but makes it clear to them he won't be pleased with them anytime soon.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Lily having to choose whether to sit with Lincoln or the rest of their family in No Such Luck Part 2 is like a child having to choose between divorced parents. She chooses Lincoln.
  • Double Standard: By Lori.
    • In Save the Date, she protests against Carlota defending Lincoln, saying that Lincoln shouldn't insult Ronnie Anne because she's a girl.
    • In Study Muffin, it's revealed she believes girls can swoon over boys without being suspected of cheating and control themselves, but not vice versa, to which at least Benny gets offended.
  • Even the Dog Is Ashamed: Sergio, Froggy 2, Lalo, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti are likewise enraged over the Louds' actions in "No Such Luck".
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Everyone will disapprovingly call out someone when seeing moments that show them in a bad light.
    • Hector and Carl, despite being greedy and in the latter's case, a Con Man, wouldn't stoop to Flip's level of swindling.
    • Lola usually scares her siblings, but she is very disturbed when Joe reveals the plot of Syngenesophobia.
    • Even Lana is really disgusted upon finding out that Lisa installed cameras in the bathroom.
    • When Leni accidentally lets it slip to Flip about how they treated Lincoln during "No Such Luck", Flip is disgusted and almost calls the police on the family, only for Lincoln to convince him not to, telling him how they helped him recover and that they learned their lesson.
  • Facepalm: When Leni, on the screen or in the room, says something stupid, the other characters putting their palms to their faces tends to be the collective reaction.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • The events of "No Such Luck" are mentioned throughout the fic, but outside Joe and the Louds themselves, only Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and Mr. Grouse seem to know what's going on. And when Chapter 76 finally came out…
    • In "Head Poet's Anxiety", when onscreen Luan tells Lucy about having thick skin, an unamused Lincoln wonders where that thick skin was when he brought up hers and the other sisters' critics, mentioning the events of "The Taunting Hour".
  • Gasshole:
    • The Loud siblings sure like burping. During the meal breaks, of all the Louds, Lincoln, Lynn, Lana, and Luna burp loudly the most. Luan also burps in Last Meal Before Bed and Lola lets out her biggest burp from Come Sale Away in Pizza Time.
    • Lynn and Lana let out large farts every time an episode shows one (much to everyone's disgust). Lincoln, Clyde, and Albert each joined in once. The two also burp loudly at several points as well.
    • Lori farts at a few points, still claiming that it's her shoes, of which no one believes.
    • Of all the non-Louds, Sid burps a few times during the meal breaks as well.
    • Girl Jordan and Polly burp loudly in Who They Are while Sam burps the loudest out of them, Lincoln, Luna, Lynn, Lana, and Sid, much to Luna's amusem*nt.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: In addition to being the Meta Guy, Joe is this, having been the one who brought all the characters into the dimension where they watch the episodes. Additionally, despite only showing up occasionally, it's his episode showings that indeed inspire the reactors to learn from their past mistakes and more about each other, even if his method's somewhat unconventional.
  • "Groundhog Day" Loop: This is the Adaptational Explanation as to how three separate April Fools events ("April Fools Rules", "Fool's Paradise", "Fool Me Twice") can happen within the same year: When the Loud family was watching Groundhog Day, Lisa was fascinated by the idea of the time loop theory that Murray's character was put through on said holiday through so many cycles. She subsequently spent up to Valentine's Day making a machine that can cause a time loop, in which all you have to do is enter a date and it would happen. After April Fools Day, she wanted to test out her machine on Groundhog Day itself as the movie inspired her. Unfortunately, Lily's cries for a diaper change startled Lisa, making her press the wrong buttons and she entered on March 26, to which the machine activated; that was around the pranking at the motel. She put the machine away for storage. A week after Lincoln and Lori returned from their visit to Great Lakes City, where Lincoln met Ronnie Anne's friends, Lisa was cleaning her closet and accidentally activated the machine, and the family was all sent back to March 26 once more, which was the time of the doubles incident. Seeing that her invention was dangerous, Lisa immediately shut it down and destroyed it, ending the time loop at last.
  • Healing Hands: Joe's powers ensure that no one will get eyesight damage from watching the episodes. He also heals Clyde's slash wound and Paula's leg after the Harvester is defeated.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Even Lola and the Junior Morticians' Club members get unsettled by Lincoln's nightmare in A Tale of Two Tables.
  • Hypocrite: When the time to watch "Back in Black" has come, the Loud sisters are called out for trying to change Lucy into something she's not despite having gotten angry at Lincoln for doing that to them in "Picture Perfect" (not to mention the latter action was merely for a picture) and thinking they know what boys like in spite of laughing at Lincoln for doing the same about girls in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru" and not all boys being the same. Ronnie Anne outright calls them sexist hypocrites for it, and not even Lola can rebuff her.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Lampshaded by Stella in One of the Boys, noting how ironic it is for Lola to tell Lincoln to have class considering that she and their sisters are always rambunctious all the time.
  • Imagine Spotting: Justified, as all of the events of an episode are shown on the screen. When the characters' thoughts and secrets are laid bare for the whole cast to see, a backlash is all but inevitable. Joe even enforces this in "The Price of Admission" when Lincoln begs him not to reveal what happened at the cinema.

    Joe: (through a note) "Sorry, can't help you."

  • Irony: The Louds did everything they did in "No Such Luck" to avoid bad luck, yet by doing that, they've definitely put themselves in an unlucky situation.
  • Jerkass Realization: A central theme of the story. Besides the Louds, obviously, "The Green House", for example, shows Girl Jordan and Mrs. Johnson realizing how mean they were to Lincoln; telling Lincoln to throw his social life out the window and blaming Lincoln for his family's collective energy use, respectively.
  • Knight Templar Big Sister: In Making the Grade, Lori seethes at Rusty, Zach, and Liam and threatens to turn them into human pretzels over their treatment of Lincoln.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Characters who share voice actors are often commented by the reactors as sounding like each other. Lincoln getting another voice actor as of "One of the Boys" is also remarked on and explained by him hitting puberty.
  • Meta Guy: Joe, the reactors' host who possesses superpowers along with his sister Ang, serves as this, being the one who informs the reactors of the nature of their show, that it has its own audience in a separate dimension from them, and Lynn Sr. and Rita on the reason why their faces were hidden throughout most of Season 1 and a bit of Season 2.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Lynn feels wracked with guilt after their friends sever ties with them at the end of No Such Luck Part 2.
  • Nobody Poops: Invoked. Joe's powers ensure that no one will need to use the bathroom.
  • Not in Front of the Kid: In "Health Kicked", Luna and Sam seductively quip about "Luna-cising", only for Lori to remind them there are children present.
  • Not So Stoic: Haiku is vocally furious, to the point of using Precision F-Strike, in No Such Luck.
  • Odd Friendship:
    • Posh Winston and greasy Skippy, helped by Winston's Uncle Pennybags nature.
    • Dean Bitterman Huggins and Cool Old Guy Albert. Both being Reasonable Authority Figures helps.
  • Official Couple: Lincoln and Ronnie Anne as of "Relative Chaos".
  • Oh, Crap!: Whenever the Louds watch an episode that brings back painful memories, they'll all react in horror at having to relive those events again. This can be either played for drama (like "No Such Luck") or laughs (like "The Crying Dame").
  • Older Than They Look: Because of the Adaptational Explanation given for three separate April Fools events ("April Fools Rules", "Fool's Paradise", "Fool Me Twice") happening within the same year, everyone is roughly three years older chronologically than they are biologically.
  • Omniglot: Lincoln is revealed to have mastered these languages besides English: German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Chinese, Thai, and Korean.
  • Parental Hypocrisy: From Rita.
    • In A Tattler's Tale, she yells at Lucy for ruining her wedding gown, to which Albert reveals she herself wore and ruined her own mother's wedding gown when she was about Lucy's age.
    • Despite disciplining her children for their jerkish and/or irresponsible moments, to the point of sometimes making empty threats to have a discussion about it with them when they get back home, April Fools Rules and No Such Luck Part 1 both have her attempting to justify her actions to her father instead of taking responsibility for them.
    • In No Such Luck Part 1, she attempts to reprimand Lincoln for trying to escape from going to his sisters' events, despite her actions in "Rita Her Rights".
  • Precision F-Strike:
    • A lot of profanity gets dished out in both parts of No Such Luck, but of particular note is Lincoln revealing he was forced to stay in the squirrel costume for "two f*cking weeks". In the following chapter, Carol admits it was the heat of the moment.
    • In "Potty Mouth", it turns out the curse word Lily said at the end of the episode was "f*ck," and she learned it when Lynn Sr. was cooking soup and accidentally leaned against the burner.
  • Pungeon Master: As usual, Luan's puns and jokes can induce both laughter and groaning. She also laughs at others' puns, including Mr. Grouse's Accidental Pun in The Whole Picture.
  • "Ray of Hope" Ending: At the end of No Such Luck Part 2, Joe has an idea of which episode the Louds will be forgiven.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: There are plenty in this fic to go around, and the "No Such Luck"-related chapters are no exception. But, one given not to nor from the Louds (directly) is from "No Such Luck Part 1", where Maria and Carlos give one to Rosa for still thinking that Lincoln was bad luck even after he admitted he was lying.

    Onscreen Lincoln: "Ugh! Lynn and her superstitions! As long as she thinks I'm bad luck, I'm doomed."

    Joey: “More like as long as everyone believes this load of crap.”

    Rosa: “Well maybe cleansing his aura could help.”

    Maria:Alright, that’s it! Mom, Carlos and I were gonna wait until after the episode is over. But now it looks like we have to talk now.”

    Rosa: “Aye! What’s gotten into you two?”

    Maria: “Mom, look, I know you believe in superstitions and all of that stuff, especially since your idol is Ernesto Estrella.”

    Carlos: “But this here is beyond unacceptable. You saw yourself that Lincoln faked being bad luck so he could get out of his sisters’ activities so he could have a long-deserved break. There was no bad luck to begin with.”

    Maria: “As well as to the fact, they all kicked Lincoln, an 11-year-old minor, out of their house like he was some sort of parasite all because they believed in paranoid beliefs started up by Lynn Jr. Nothing justifies doing that to someone, a child no less.”

    Rosa: “Well… I guess you are right…”

    Carlos: “This should also be an eye opener for us as well, especially you Mama.”

    Rosa: “¿Que?”

    Carlos: “Remember what went down several months back when Estrella said Great Lakes City was cursed? And when things started going berserk at the Loud House when we stayed there?”

    Maria: “You thought that we were the bad luck wherever we went and we should go right to the forest to live there so we wouldn't cause any harm to anyone else.”

    Carlos: “But think about it this way Mom. What if Ernesto or some horoscope told you that one of your own family members is bad luck, causing a dark aura over our home? Would you deliberately kick them out of our building, or even the city no less?”

    Rosa: “No! No, I would never do such a thing! That would be muy horrible!”

    Maria:Then how would what we saw on screen be any different than that scenario?

    Rosa: “It… it wouldn’t… Madre mia, I was a fool to believe-”

    Maria: “It’s ok for you to still enjoy stuff like horoscopes or whatever Ernesto has to offer.”

    Carlos: “As long as it doesn't interfere with your life, especially with your loved ones.”

    Rosa: “Aye, you’re right.”

  • Related in the Adaptation: The Bratty Kid in "Cereal Offender" is related to Carol Pingrey as her little brother named Connor Pingrey. This is a clear reference to the fanfic What is a Person Worth?. Also, the goth girl named Cassy in "Funny Business" is Carol's little sister.
  • Running Gag: Lincoln and Ronnie Anne insisting they aren't dating despite their families' teasing (except Rita) and the extensive amount of Ship Tease between them.
  • Satellite Character: Ang (short for Angela) is this to Joe, outside of being his sister and helping him create the dimension that makes these characters in watching each episode’s plot, there isn’t a lot to say about her due to not appearing all that often.
  • Say My Name: It's harder to find a chapter where someone doesn't yell someone else's name in anger at least once.
  • Shipper on Deck: All (maybe except Rusty, Zach, and Liam) the kids and teens in the audience (as well as Rosa) ship Lincoln/Ronnie Anne, especially the Loud sisters, Carlota, Sid, and Nikki.
  • Shout-Out: See here.
  • So Proud of You: After finally finding out Lincoln willingly took the blame for Lucy over the clogged toilet and the Princess Pony book, Lori and Luna earnestly compliment how noble that was of him, followed by everyone being impressed with him.
  • Sound-Effect Bleep: In a flashback in "Potty Mouth", Lynn Sr. screams "f*ck!" in pain when he accidentally puts his arm on the burner. Luna censors it by playing an F-minor chord, but the curse word is so loud everyone around the vicinity of Franklin Avenue can hear it.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: During many stories, someone who wasn't involved will point out a much easier way that the Louds could have settled their problems throughout the episode.
  • Take That!:
    • is dissed in Snow Bored.
    • In Back in Black, Luan compares Bobby's Bad "Bad Acting" to Tommy Wiseau's terrible acting.
  • "Take That!" Kiss: Lynn gives one to Lincoln during their match in Chapter 58.
  • Tempting Fate: In Last Meal Before Bed, Rita wonders out loud what Season 2 has to offer. Oh Rita, you have no idea…note
  • There Is Another: Besides Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and Mr. Grouse, there is a fifth person, not in the audience, who knows about the 'luck' incident. That person is revealed to be Flip.
  • Tranquil Fury: In Cereal Offender, while she doesn’t raise her voice, Rita is very angry at her daughters when she finds out that they were the real reason the family was banned from the grocery store and not Lincoln like she had assumed.
  • We Used to Be Friends:
    • The sheer amount of bonds that were severely damaged after the fallout of No Such Luck Part 2.
      • Lori and Leni: Carol informs Lori that the fact that she chose a lousy superstition over her own little brother is just despicable, Becky tells Leni that she now wonders if she really does love Lincoln, with Jackie and Mandee following that up by telling her they're not sure they can believe her. Miguel and Fiona also tell Leni they did not like what they found out about her and seriously question her, to which Dana, Roger, and Joey tell Lori and Leni off as well. Even Chaz, while he still cares about Leni, doesn't know what to think for now. They all conclude by saying if Lori and Leni aren't portrayed in a better light, they're cutting ties with them.
      • Lucy: The Morticians' Club scorn her, telling her that while they enjoy dark stuff, what she did was just cold-blooded, and also tell her that if she isn't portrayed in a better light, she's out of the club and their lives. In addition, Rocky tells her that he thought she was cool, but now ponders if he was wrong.
      • Luna: Chunk tells her that if things don't work out by the end of their visit, she can find a new roadie, Tabby snarls that she never took her for someone who could be so selfish and stupid, and a disappointed Sam tells her that while she still cares about her and wants things to work out, she can't be near her at the moment.
      • Luan: Giggles tells her that she knew Luan liked making people laugh, but it now seems like she can make them cry too, and Benny is seriously torn over whether to maintain their relationship.
      • Lana and Lola: Skippy and Winston tell them that they can't say for now whether they'll forgive them, and tell them not to sit next to them for some time.
      • Lisa: David makes it clear to her that he now questions what he knows about her, and tells her that if Darcy knew what she did, she'd be in tears. He also tells her that if she and her family aren't shown in a better light, she won't be associated with them anymore.
      • Lynn Sr. and Rita: Kotaro and Grant make it firm to them that if they aren't redeemed by the end of their visit, then they can look for new employees. Kotaro also tells Lynn Sr. not to call him "K-Dog".
      • Lynn: Margo, Polly, and Paula declare that if she doesn't drop her luck nonsense and become a better person, they're quitting all of her games. Francisco also puts his relationship with her on hold on the spot with tears in his eyes.
    • Fortunately, as of Tensions, things have become less tense. And in Yes Man, they are forgiven.
  • Wham Episode: No Such Luck Part 2: While he still loves them, Lincoln is considering stopping being so forgiving towards his family, the non-Lily Loud sisters' love interests consider breaking up with them, and their friends (as well as the friends of their parents) consider cutting ties with them as well, which they will do if they aren't redeemed by the end by their visit, every Loud except Lincoln and Lily is now ostracized, and Lily chooses to sit with Lincoln instead of the rest of their family.
  • What If?: Joe sometimes tells the cast about fanfics of some of the episodes to show them how bad things could have gone. For example: "What if one of Luan's pranks nearly got Lincoln killed?" or "What if things at the Sadie Hawkins dance didn't work out in the end?"
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Whenever a foolish or mean-spirited action is shown, particularly towards main characters, inevitably prompting a Jerkass Realization.
  • Wise Beyond Her Years: About Season 1 of The Loud House:

    Adelaide: Spending time with family is an adventure in and of itself, don't let anger get the best of you, don't meddle in someone's lives without their consent, respect others' privacy, allow others to become independent, rules exist for a reason, you can't always get what you want, don't rush your aging and enjoy your youth, don't create obstacles for your family, don't pressure someone to take your side, don't ignore your family but also don't force them to tolerate something they are annoyed at, respect someone's space, people are perfect the way they are, sometimes you have to accept habits that annoy you for the sake of others, behave yourself in public areas, let your younger sisters grow up into what they want to be on their own, plans aren't good if they get in the way of having a good time, appreciate that you have a family, appreciate the things you receive from your family, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, don't let your imagination go out of control, saving the planet is more important than personal needs, sometimes you have to face your fears to help your family, everyone deserves an equal treat when it comes to jobs, music can change your life, don't fight over money or other things, Lana looks adorable in a dress!-taking care of babies is a bigger responsibility than you think, help out your siblings when they need you, don't put your love interests above your family, sometimes you get more attention than you'd think, money makes you no different than other people, don't let your ambitions get in the way of doing what you love, don't put yourself in danger just for an object, pranks are no fun when others get hurt, if you offer to help someone actually help them, pride will only get you in trouble, sibling rivalries are not worth selling your furniture over, having girly or boyish interests doesn't make you less of a man or woman, people who only want to use you aren't worth your time, ask someone for their permission before signing them up for something, superstitions shouldn't cloud your judgement, telling the truth will save you from a lot of trouble, jealousy is silly and shouldn't make you do dumb things, don't take your family for granted, you have to earn someone's trust if you want it, making others laugh is harder than it looks, don't ruin other people's fun for something as boring as school-obey your parents when they say not to watch something, just because your family is sick doesn't make them monsters, crushes are okay unless they inconvenience others and make their crush uncomfortable-aaaaand appreciate where you live, because you never know when it'll be taken from you.

  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: Joe assures the reactors he'll send them back to the place and time they were summoned from after the "Let's Watch Our Show" Plot is over.
Reacting to The Loud House - TV Tropes (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.