Is Chickpea Flour / Gram Flour Gluten-Free? | (2024)

Yes, gram flour is gluten-free. Gram flour, also called besan, garbanzo flour, or chickpea flour, is made from ground chickpeas, which are naturally gluten-free. Chickpeas also have many names, including garbanzo beans, garbanzo, gram, Bengal gram, Egyptian pea, cici beans, chi chi beans and cece beans.

Gram flour is a common ingredient in Middle Eastern and Indian dishes, often used to make falafel, hummus and flatbreads. This flour has a nutty taste, a grainy texture and lots of fiber and protein.

As always, read the ingredient list before purchasing a product. Many flour manufacturers mix many different ingredients to achieve an optimal flour blend. Ensure no wheat, rye or barley has been added to the gram flour.

Do not confuse gram flour with graham flour, which does contain gluten.

Is Chickpea Flour / Gram Flour Gluten-Free? | (2024)
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