10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Raindrop cake 2. Chocolate Crepe Cake 3. Giant Cinnamon Roll 4. Cheese-covered burger 5. Timpano 6. Stuffed chocolate chip cookies 7. Four flavor cheesecake 8. Melted wheel of cheese 9. Zero waste apple pie 10. Japenese desserts Subscribe to our Newsletter Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life. Don't freak out Email the professor Attend the first class Keep attending class Have a backup plan Remember that everything works out at the end 1. What do you do for a living? 2. What's your favorite color? 3. Do you have any siblings? 4. What's your favorite television show? 5. When is your birthday? 6. What's your biggest goal in life? 7. If you had three wishes granted to you by a genie, what would they be? 8. What's your favorite childhood memory? 9. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? 10. Are you a cat or a dog person? 11. Do you believe in a religion or any sort of spiritual power? 12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? 13. What is your ideal date night? 14. Who was/is your celebrity crush? 15. What's a good way to cheer you up if you're having a bad day? 16. Do you have any tattoos? 17. Can you describe yourself in three words? 18. What makes you the most nervous in life? 19. What's the best gift you have ever received? 20. What do you do to relax/have fun? 21. What are your priorities at this phase of your life? Is there really such a difference in Challah bread or Easter Bread? Unlocking Lake People's Secrets: 15 Must-Knows! There's no other place you'd rather be in the summer. A bad day at the lake is still better than a good day not at the lake. You know the best beaches and coves to go to. You have no patience for the guy who can't back his trailer into the water right. Doing the friendly wave to every boat you pass. The cooler is always packed, mostly with beer. Giving the idiot who goes 30 in a "No Wake Zone" a piece of your mind. You have no problem with peeing in the water. You know the frustration of getting your anchor stuck. Watching in awe at the bigger, better boats that pass by. Knowing any swimsuit that you own with white in it is best left for the pool or the ocean. The momentary fear for your life as you get launched from the tube. You're able to go to the restaurants by the water wearing minimal clothing. Having unexpected problems with your boat. Having a name for your boat unique to you and your life. There's no better place you'd rather be in the summer. 1. My school is incredibly unique. 2. I am not just a number at my school. 3. I feel like I am contributing something to the community. 5. My professors know me and I feel that I can easily communicate with them. 6. The incredible people I've met 7. Opportunities 8. Students want to learn 9. Ability to join a sorority and have a house full of people I know I can talk to anytime I need to 10. I have figured out how I learn best because my school offers so many different ways of learning. Trending Topics Top Creators Song Lyrics With Deeper Meaning: 15 Hidden Gems Independence Day Memories with Family Subscribe to Our Newsletter FAQs

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Arts Entertainment

Supersize it or cover it in cheese, it'll be delicious either way.

Courtenay Parker

Aug 14, 2018

University of Minnesota Twin Cities


10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (1)

Have you ever wanted to make something that you've never seen before? Maybe you've just wanted to spend an entire day in your kitchen creating weird recipes. Obviously there are going to be some failures (there's often a learning curve in cooking), but, if you keep on trying, you are going to end up with an exciting array of savory dishes and desserts that get the tantalizing title of "homemade." Here are 10 recipes that will not only fill you up, but they will give you a fair amount of kitchen cred if you manage to execute them properly.

1. Raindrop cake

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (2)


Not only does this cake look super cool when it's finished, but it is only three ingredients! The main ingredient of the cake, agar agar, isn't the easiest thing to find, however. It's best to buy agar agar in powder form, but I do caution your on even trying to make this. The raindrop cake took quite a few tries to make, so if you don't have a lot a patience, please do not attempt.

2. Chocolate Crepe Cake

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (3)


Crepes are amazing all on their own, but when you stack these crepes one after another with whipped cream in-between, you really can't go wrong. Crepe cakes are something that have really sparked people's interest recently, thanks, in part, to a crazy popular trend of rainbow crepe cakes. You will only need to make about 20 crepes to create a nice sized cake, but feel free to stack them as high as you want. Just remember that the outsides of the crepe are much thinner and lighter than the middle so be careful when you stack them or it will start to look like a ball.

3. Giant Cinnamon Roll

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (4)


Do you even need any convincing on this one? A GIANT cinnamon roll. The only down side to this is the struggle to make it...and the stomachache after eating all of it in one sitting. There unfortunately is a way to make the cinnamon roll too big, so make sure you get it just the right size so that it retains its shape, flavor and look.

4. Cheese-covered burger

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (5)

Sick Chirpse

If you've ever imagined adding even more to your already insanely delicious burger, why not just cover it in cheese? The cheese-covered burger is one way to get your cheese fix. Obviously this isn't the hardest thing to make, but it will the one of the messiest things to eat. Feel free to add anything on the inside that you want, but remember it will be covered in hot, melted cheese. Lastly, think about eating it with a fork and knife. Burgers are a lot less finger-friendly when drenched in cheesy goodness.

5. Timpano

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (6)


This pasta dish is basically a giant noodle filled with meat, pasta and sauces. The Timpano can be a bit of a daunting dish due to the sheer number of fillings, plus the fact that, if the crust isn't strong enough, every single one of those fillings are going to spill out when you try and flip the Timpano out of its pan.

6. Stuffed chocolate chip cookies

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (7)

Cookies & Cups

One of the easier things you can whip up in your kitchen right now is stuffed cookies. You can add any filling to these cookies, from Nutella, cookie butter and marshmallows to fruit jam and peanut butter. The best thing about these cookies is their size. Because of the fillings, you are going to have a lot of cookie to work with. Fill the top of your cookie with as many toppings as you want. You can either work with the filling of the cookie, or go for yummy opposition with a sweet and salty flavor pairing.

7. Four flavor cheesecake

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (8)


Sometimes it's just too hard to decide what kind of cheesecake you're craving, right? Well, this four flavor cheesecake is the answer to all of your prayers. Whatever flavors you want are perfectly okay, but there are problems you may run into when trying to figure out how to not let the different flavors mix. The way to solve this problem is by using graham crackers in-between each flavor. Luckily, cheesecake is thick enough that it won't leak through the crackers so each flavor will stay in its quarter. Add whatever toppings that pair well with your flavors and you've got cheesecakes for four different types of people!

8. Melted wheel of cheese

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (9)

Lost At E Minor

We've all seen the videos of fresh dishes being covered in melted cheese from a partially melted wheel of cheese. Maybe you are wondering how you could re-create this yourself and cover whatever you want in melted cheese whenever you want. There are a couple different ways to melt the cheese so you get the cool scrape effect. You can blow torch the top of the cheese, broil it or even use a hairdryer. Your melted wheel of cheese is a great way to entertain guests, if you are having trouble figuring out what to serve.

9. Zero waste apple pie

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (10)

Top Ten

Zero waste has become a much bigger deal in recent years, with many people trying to change their lifestyles with their environmental influence in mind. This is not an easy thing to do, as almost anything you need will be packaged. A zero waste apple pie isn't the most interesting looking thing, but when you tell people you created basically no trash while making it, that's a pretty impressive feat in and of itself. If you are wondering how you are going to get your baking ingredients with no packaging, you are going to need to find a grocery store that has bulk containers and bring your own reusable containers to measure out exact ingredients; this will be the biggest problem you are going to encounter with your zero waste apple pie.

10. Japenese desserts

10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (11)

Frikkin Awesome

Most Japanese desserts are very clearly made to be eaten with both the eyes and the mouth. Japanese desserts typically feature beautiful flowers in a clear, gelatin-like substance. While these desserts may seem very difficult to make, a few tries will get you very close. Japanese desserts are really more like works of art than food.

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10 Best Recipes Featured On "Tasty" YouTube Channel (2024)


Is Tasty still popular? ›

At present, Tasty videos have 539 million monthly viewers.

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BuzzFeed launched Tasty in July 2015 and it quickly became a viral sensation. The reason, according to Frank Cooper III (Ex-CMO at BuzzFeed)Opens a new window , is because Tasty focused on food recipes that reminded people of their childhood, comfort food, or certain experiences.

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Making money without ad revenue

Tasty's recipe videos obviously don't plug a specific product or service - and they don't make money from ads - so how do they generate revenue? Through sponsorship - incorporating ingredients from other brands.

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Initially, Taystee was resistant to becoming involved with drugs but eventually became Vee's accountant thanks to her rapid maths skills. Along with “adoptive” son RJ, Vee and Taystee formed a tight-knight family unit. Eventually Taystee was arrested – most likely for her involvement in Vee's drug ring.

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Initially, Tasty was just a page and was tied to the main website, BuzzFeed. Though it was Peretti who approved the idea of launching Tasty, it was the brainchild of Andrew Gauthier, who became the Chief Video Producer of Tasty. Tasty had a series of fast and short food recipe videos produced by the BuzzFeed team.

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tasty.co Website Traffic Demographics

The largest age group of visitors are 25 - 34 year olds.

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With 47 Primetime Emmy nominations and two Emmy wins, "Top Chef" is a force to be reckoned with in the world of culinary television.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.